martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Rural Centre of Candelaria "La Caseta"

La Caseta takes its name from what used to be the dwellings of the road workers, who were responsible for the upkeep of the Main Southern Road. Nowadays it has become the Rural Centre of Candelaria and is a link between the past and the present, using the past as a bridge to help us understand the present, while creating the future. This is represented in the harsh but calm toil of generations gone by, whose hands and work have left their mark on the history of the village of Candelaria.

Iglesia de San Antonio de Padua

Located in the centre of Malpais and built in 1962, it houses the image of Saint Anthony of Padua, who is honoured every year during the festivities in his name. It is here that local track SL-TF 294.1 El Moralito starts, from which you can reach other examples of our heritage such as Charca del Estado or the Horno Del Pino.

Mirador de Chivisaya

It is located in the Protected Landscape of Siete Lomas, in an area which was once of great importance for its agriculture and livestock. Access is gained via the TF-523 road in the direction of the Mount Teide National Park. There is a splendid view of the whole of the Güímar Valley, the surroundings of Chivisaya and the Media Montaña Volcano. Together with the latter, there are “Las Bodegas de Chivisaya”. These old vineyards, which are now in disuse, which were important between the 17th and 19th Centuries for their production of white and rosé wines, known all over the island and which were even exported to the United Kingdom.

Iglesia de San Juan Bautista

Built in 1975 and located in the centre of Araya, it houses the images of St. Rita of Casia and of St. John the Baptist among others, in honour of whom festivities are celebrated every year. This is the starting point of two local tracks- firstly SL-TF 294 Los Brezos, which takes you through places of such interest as the fountain of las Goteras, the recreational park of Los Brezos, the Lajas de Chafa or the Era de Carcho; secondly, track SL-TF 296 La Mesa, down which we come upon the Las Haciendas estate, a vantage point providing a panoramic view of the whole valley of Güímar and of the House of La Mesa.

Plaza de Dimas Coello

It is located in the centre of Igueste and is best known for its wine-press, which was formerly located in the House of La Mesa and then moved under a neighbourhood initiative in 1980. This is the starting point of two local tracks, SL-TF 296.2 Barranco of Charcorche and SL-TF 296 La Mesa, from which the House of La Mesa can be reached, which was built in the 19th century and which was used communally by farmers working on their lands.

Cueva de Añaco

A big cave located in the Afirama barranco, next to the Camino Viejo de Candelaria, where remains have been found, bearing witness to Guanche presence there in the past. Due to this it has become a sacred place for followers of this native culture, and where even weddings following the Guanche ritual have been celebrated. It has now been declared a Property of Cultural Interest (BIC) and categorized as a historical site.

La Jimenez

A typical Canarian hamlet built in the traditional architectural style, located in Igueste, next to the Camino Viejo de Candelaria. These constructions are a clear example of adapting to the landscape, built in ridges, leaving the fertile hillsides for farming/crops. The hamlet has been declared a Property of Public Interest (BIC) categorized as a historical site.

Iglesia de San José

It was built between 1850 and 1860. Located in the centre of Barranco Hondo, it houses images of St. Joseph, St. Sebastian and Our Lady of Los Dolores, among others, whose images are honoured during festivities in their names. Local route SL-TF 299 Lomo El Centeno starts from this square, from which the protected landscape of Las Lagunetas can be reached. Here you can find some pine trees covered in resin and the “Madre del Agua” spring, which was traditionally used by the inhabitants of Barranco Hondo as well as by some other villages of the north of the island. Next to it, you will find the Madre del Agua water gallery, which has been closed up but from which you can still get trickles of drinking water.

Camino Viejo de Candelaria

It is one of the first roads that we aware of ,which existed on the island, originating in the times of the native inhabitants and used by the Governor, Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, immediately after the conquest, in order to celebrate the first Festivity of Purification or of Las Candelas, in the Cave of Achbinico in 1497. The road follows the old track which connected the town of San Cristobal de La Laguna, with the coastal centre of Candelaria. In 2008 it was declared a property of Cultural Interest (BIC), categorized as a historical site.